Since 1969, the roar of an orange Arctic snowplow has meant the difference between shutting things down and keeping things moving. Confronted with some of the harshest conditions on the planet, Arctic has been there to put winter where it belongs – on the side of the road. However, it’s our family of Arctic dealers who help put our plows on the road. Our dealers are ambassadors of the brand and the keepers of Arctic’s legacy and performance standards.

To learn about our Master Dealer requirements, download our requirements form.

If you are interested in learning more, download the Arctic Dealer Inquiry Form and tell us about yourself.

Key benefits to becoming an Arctic Snowplow Master Dealer:

  • Protected Territory, 50 mile + radius (area to be determined based on geographical and population size, as well the area the proposed dealer would like to control and amount of plows ordered)
  • An exclusive area to grow and expand including ability to set up sub-dealers within their area
  • Marketing and Advertising support in the form of 2% annually based on previous year’s sales (January 1 to December 31), print, radio, T.V., Billboard (preapproved by Arctic), promotional material i.e.: brochures, signage, and banners, swag (clothing and novelty items)
  • Ability to produce approximately 3 months of steady business September to December in New Sales, Reinstalls, Repairs and Service of previously sold units as well as additional business for service and repairs during extended winter months (January to April)

At Arctic Snowplows, we are committed to providing the highest quality service and products in the industry, backed by our Master Dealer network. It is with this in mind that I invite you to contact us with any questions to discuss partnership opportunities in more detail. We will respond to you as soon as possible.

Yours truly,


Mike Schulz
Toll Free: 1.866.757.1243
Telephone: 519.452.3406